Our Commitment to Children And Young People

Our Commitment to Children And Young People
As part of our commitment to Children and Young People, Australian Cricket and Kincumber Avoca Cricket Club seek to:
a) Provide a safe and supportive physical and online environment for all Children and Young People,
including by:
• Establishing culturally safe environments in which the diverse and unique identities and experiences of Aboriginal children and young people are respected and valued; and
• Paying particular attention to the needs of vulnerable children, children with disability, children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex children and young people.
b) Ensure that the experiences of Children and Young People are free from any form of Prohibited Conduct including Child Abuse or Grooming;
c) Empower Children and Young People to act and respond to behaviour that is not acceptable or inappropriate;
d) Publicise and make available the Codes of Behavior that underpin our sport;
e) Make information available on who Children and Young People can approach if they feel unsafe or they become aware of or are concerned about any form of Prohibited Conduct including Child Abuse or Grooming;
f) Establish a reporting framework that allows Children and Young People and others to report any incident affecting the safety and well-being of Children and Young People; and
g) Provide support services to any Child or Young Person and their families who might be affected by any form of Prohibited Conduct including Child Abuse or Grooming;
CNSW Integrity Framework
CNSW Safeguarding Children and Young People